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TreCosta Entertainment is a production company that specializes in the art of creating scripts for stage, television, and feature films.

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Creating a Movie





“In the Name of Me and You”, we witness the narcotic effect becoming a multi- layered plague, which affects the addict, just as much as those who have never touched a drug. 

We Need Your Help!

 As we believe in the content of this story, so do we believe in the quality in which it's made.

The funds donated toward the film will go toward production availability, props and locations, equipment, 

post production (editing), distribution (theatrical release), and marketing.

With your help, we will be able to finish our film and keep the quality professional.

We are determined to not allow the time and talent of those involved in the making of this film be in vain.

If you would like to donate, click the DONATE button anywhere on the site. 

If you would like to be an Executive Producer and participate in the potential returns made from this production, as well as receive production credibility, please navigate to the CONTACT section of the site, and share with us your interest in being a producer. 

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